Printing Equipment
Lino printmaking is a method of relief printing, which involves carving a drawing into a soft linoleum block, rolling a thin layer of ink over it, and pressing paper on top to transfer the image. You can then print again from the lino block so multiple copies can be made quickly and easily.
Lino Block - Grey
Soft Cut Lino
Essdee Bench Hook
Essdee Handle & 10 Cutters
Essdee Baren Kit with Cutters
Essdee Print Foam
Essdee Lino Handle
Essdee Lino Cutters
Essdee Lino Cutter & Safety Hand Guard set
Essdee Printing Brayer / Roller - 250mm
Essdee Printing Brayer / Roller - 150mm
Essdee Lino Taster Kit
Essdee Handle & 5 Cutters