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Golden Acrylics & Mediums

We stock a wide range of Golden Heavy Body, Golden Fluid and Golden OPEN acrylic paints and mediums.
Golden Acrylics & Mediums


A slow-drying acrylic paint with a slightly softer consistency than heavy body acrylic paints and has increased working time
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Golden Heavy Body Artist Acrylics
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Golden Fluid Acrylics Cadmium Yellow Medium hue
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Golden Wetting Agent increases the slickness and flow of acrylic paint.
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Creates thicker textures and is excellent for holding peaks and dries translucent
4 in stock
Golden GAC 100 medium is perfect for diluting and extending acrylic colours.
2 in stock
Apply Isolation coat between acrylic colour and removable varnish.
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Soft Gel is moderately pourable, holds only slight peaks and is ideal for glazing and other techniques that require transparency
4 in stock
Slow drying acrylic gel to adjust colour strength and translucency when mixed with acrylics
7 in stock
Medium can be blended with colours to increase body. Excellent for holding peaks and dries translucent.
5 in stock
Golden Heavy Body Acrylics Essentials set of 6
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Golden Fluid Intro Set of 6 x 30ml bottles
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Explore and experiment with the various forms of Acrylic colour, Gels, Mediums and Pastes
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Golden Retarder is an additive which is used to slow the drying time of acrylics.
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Golden Polymer is a general purpose liquid medium useful for creating glazes, extending colours, enhancing gloss and translucency
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Slow drying acrylic gel to adjust colour strength and translucency when mixed with acrylics
6 in stock
Golden Fluid Matte Medium is a pourable medium useful for extending colour and decreasing gloss
1 in stock
A paste that creates a tough, durable finish for smooth or textured surfaces and can be carved with hand or powered tools when dry
2 in stock
Genuine glass beads medium that offers a unique effect similar to condensation on glass
4 in stock
Heat Set Fabric Painting Medium offers a very soft hand and laundering stability when applied to fabric
2 in stock
Makes fine textures or can be used as a ground for pastels
2 in stock
Replicates the look and feel of 'paper' when applied to a surface
1 in stock
Paste is a thick, opaque cracking material, designed to develop deep cracks as it cures
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Creates textured surfaces and dries to a hard film
2 in stock
Used to generate fine lines by 'dripping' over surfaces
3 in stock